LEGO announces new partnership with Epic Games

LEGO announced today that it has forged a new partnership with Epic Games, the developer behind the massive battle royale game. It is an electronic game. In recent years, LEGO has shown greater initiative to work with toy companies to create different products. These collaborations featured notably between Nintendo and LEGO, which saw the release of a number of Super Mario games as a result. And while it might seem obvious for LEGO and Epic to do something about it It is an electronic game With this partnership, each company is instead joining in to focus on the metaverse.

Detailed in Epic website Today, it was revealed that a “long-term partnership” with LEGO with the goal of creating “the future of the metaverse to make it safe and fun for children and families.” The metaverse is something that has stood out quite a bit over the past year or so and is being described as the next evolution of the internet. While it remains to be seen if this holds true even from a distance, Epic and LEGO are looking to make the space more “family friendly” as it begins to take shape.

“Children enjoy playing in the digital and physical worlds and move seamlessly between the two. We believe there is huge potential for them to develop lifelong skills such as creativity, collaboration and communication through digital experiences. But we have a responsibility to make it safe, inspiring and useful for everyone,” said Nils Christiansen, CEO of the group. LEGO Group to accompany this ad. “Just as we have protected children’s rights to safe physical play for generations, we are committed to doing the same for digital play. We look forward to working with Epic Games to shape this exciting and fun future.”

Epic CEO Tim Sweeney added a special statement today: “The LEGO Group has captured the imaginations of children and adults through creative play for nearly a century, and we’re excited to come together to build a space that’s fun, entertaining and dedicated to children and families.”

What do you think of this partnership based on what has been revealed so far? Let me know your thoughts either down below in the comments or send me a message on Twitter at Trustworthy.



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